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Cooked Australian Detroit-style pizza with cheddar, mozzarella, roasted onions, bacon, egg yolk purée and spring onion chimichurri in an Ooni Detroit-style Pizza Pan.
Cooked Australian Detroit-style pizza with cheddar, mozzarella, roasted onions, bacon, egg yolk purée and spring onion chimichurri in an Ooni Detroit-style Pizza Pan.

Australian Detroit-style Pizza: Deep End Pizza’s “The New Aussie”

By Paul Kasten
By Paul Kasten

Detroit-style pizza (DSP) has been on the scene since its inception back in the 1940s with its distinctive shape, thick, fluffy base and crispy, golden cheese “frico” crust (for more about this style and other pan pizzas, read more here). At Ooni, we’re such huge fans that we created...

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This recipe takes time. For the best-tasting pizza dough, set aside 3 to 4 hours for dough prep and around 12 hours for the cold proof before you begin cooking. Paul likes to parbake the dough and store it in the fridge overnight for extra flavourful results. If you want something less involved, you can use a classic Detroit-style dough base. If using Ooni’s Detroit-style Pizza Pan, do not exceed 700 °F (370 °C).

For the dough:
  1. Combine the flour and yeast in a large bowl or the bowl of a stand mixer. (If using instant dry yeast, combine this first with the flour. Dissolve in the water first if using fresh or active dry yeast.) Add the water to the mix, followed by the salt. Using a dough hook, mix on low speed until shaggy but just combined, about 3 minutes.

    Two hands holding Detroit-style pizza dough over a bowl on a table next to dishes of onions, bacon, tomatoes, salt, cheddar and chimichurri.

    Tip: If you don't have a stand mixer, mix the ingredients with a wooden spoon or your hands, then knead by hand until a smooth dough forms, about 15 minutes.

  2. Cover with a kitchen towel or plastic wrap and rest for 30 minutes. Mix again until a smooth dough is achieved. Place the dough into a lightly oiled and sealed container and refrigerate overnight (or up to 72 hours). 

  3. The next day, lightly coat your pizza pan with oil. (If you have 2 pans, you can do this for both pizzas.) Remove the dough from the fridge. Use your dough scraper and a digital scale to divide the dough into two 570-gram portions. With wet hands, press the dough out toward the edges of the pan, starting at the centre. The dough will pull back a bit, but filling the pan at this stage is not important. Put the lid on the pan and place it in a warm spot around the house or outside to proof for 2 to 3 hours.

  4. Combine the shredded mozzarella and cheddar. When the dough has filled the base of the pan and risen about ½ inch (1 ½ centimeters), cover the edges with about 50 grams (½ cup) of cheese. This will create the “frico” or cheesy, crusty crown.

  5. Optional parbake: Fire up your oven and allow it to preheat for 15 to 20 minutes. Aim for 570 °F (300 °C) on your baking stone. You can check this quickly, accurately and from a safe distance with an infrared thermometer. If using a Volt, turn the heat knob to the bottom-only position and put the pan into the oven. Parbake the dough, uncovered, for 7 minutes until it shows signs of browning. Using oven gloves, remove it from the oven, put the lid on and place it on a baking rack to cool. Once cooled, the dough can be removed from the pan using a spatula. Tightly wrap the dough in plastic wrap and store it at room temperature until you’re ready to cook. 

    Tip: If you only want one pizza or prefer to save the dough for later, it will last up to 3 days in the refrigerator.

For the roasted onions:
  1. Preheat your home oven to 390 °F (200 °C). Peel and halve the onions, then cut each half into quarters. Toss with olive oil and salt. Bake for about 50 minutes in a skillet or roasting pan tightly wrapped in foil. The onions should be cooked to look almost transparent and soft but not brown. Remove from the oven, pack into a sealed container and refrigerate until needed. 

    Tip: About 40 minutes into the onion’s bake, prep and cook the bacon to save time and heat!

For the bacon:
  1. Place 500 grams (6 cups) of streaky bacon strips onto a parchment-lined baking tray. Place in the oven with onions and bake for 7 to 8 minutes. (The bacon should be releasing some fat but not starting to brown — it will cook and crisp up more when placed on top of the pizza.)

  2. Remove from the oven, drain the fat into a bowl and set aside. You should have about 60 grams (¼ cup) of fat reserved.

  3. Once cooled, cut the bacon into ¾-inch (2-centimeter) pieces and refrigerate until needed. When the bacon fat has cooled, mix it with about 60 grams (¼ cup) of softened, unsalted butter. Set aside.

For the egg yolk purée:
  1. Place the egg yolks in the blender and blend on high speed for 4 to 5 minutes. Add in the salt and cold water, blend for 1 minute, then pour the mixture into a piping bag and refrigerate until needed. 

    Tip: If you don’t have a blender, cook the eggs in boiling water for 6 minutes. Once cooled, peel and separate the soft yolks from the whites. Press the yolks through a fine strainer twice to remove any lumps. In a bowl, add the yolks and stir in the salt and water. Pour the mixture into a piping bag and refrigerate until needed. 

For the tomato sauce:
  1. Combine all ingredients, mix well, and store in a bowl or squeeze bottle in the refrigerator. Set aside until ready to cook your pizzas.

For the spring onion chimichurri:
  1. Combine all ingredients, mix well, and store in a bowl or squeeze bottle in the refrigerator. Set aside until ready to cook your pizzas.

For the assembly:
  1. Pull all of your toppings from the refrigerator. Fire up your oven and allow it to preheat for 15 to 20 minutes. Aim for 570 °F (300 °C) on your baking stone. You can check this quickly, accurately and from a safe distance with an infrared thermometer.

  2. Liberally brush the pan with about 60 grams (¼ cup) of the butter and bacon fat mixture. Place the dough into the pan and top with 450 grams (4 ½ cups) of the cheese mixture to the edges. Drain any excess liquid from the onions and cover the dough in an even layer, about 400 grams (3 cups), followed by 250 grams (3 cups) of the bacon pieces. 

    Two hands placing shredded mozzarella and cheddar over dough in an Ooni Detroit-style Pizza Pan on a table next to a dish of shredded cheese and a plate of cheddar.

  3. If using a Volt, adjust settings to bottom heat only, place the pan into the oven and close the door. Set the timer for 16 minutes. Using your oven gloves, remove the pizza from the oven. At this point, the cheese should be starting to brown and bubble, and the bacon should be nearly crisp.

  4. Using the back of a spoon, spread 290 grams (1 ¼ cup) of the sauce over the pizza. Return the pizza to the oven. (If using a Volt, turn the balance dial to the right, so all the heat comes from the top heating element.) Cook for 2 minutes, then remove it from the oven.

    One hand spooning chimichurri over a cooked Australian Detroit-style pizza with cheddar, mozzarella, roasted onions, bacon and egg yolk purée in an Ooni Detroit-style Pizza Pan on a table.

  5. Let the pizza rest for a few minutes before removing it from the pan with a spatula. Top the pizza with half of the egg yolk purée and 45 to 60 grams (3 to 4 tablespoons) of chimichurri.

  6. Cut, serve and enjoy! Repeat the steps for the remaining pizza, if applicable.

    Read more about Detroit-style pizza here!

Paul Kasten

Paul Kasten is the owner and head chef of Deep End Pizza in Fitzroy (Melbourne), Australia, where they dish up pizzas in three regional American styles. Originally from the U.S., Paul’s professional cooking background spans two decades of work in restaurants ranging from casual to high-end dining. Visit @deependpizza for more info and pizza offerings.

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