How to Care for Your Ooni Pizza Oven in Winter
With headquarters in Edinburgh, Scotland, and a co-founder from Finland, here at Ooni, we know a thing or two about cold weather. Ooni ovens are designed and tested throughout Scottish winters, so we know they work well year-round. But there are a few things to keep in mind if you’re an intrepid pizza-maker who uses their oven no matter the conditions.
- Protection is key. Ooni ovens are hearty, sure, but snow, sleet, rain, and hail can still pose a threat. If you’re using and storing your oven outside, protect it with a cover. Each oven has its own rigorously tested cover, specifically designed to keep your oven safe from the elements.
- Sometimes, storing indoors is best. While your oven will be fine outside most of the time, if you know a big storm is coming, you should consider bringing your Ooni oven inside for the duration. That will keep it from taking on too much moisture or getting battered by heavy hail.
- Brush it off. If your Ooni got buried under a snowdrift, brush it off before cooking. Otherwise, melting snow will send water pouring into your fuel basket. For reference, watch our CEO, Kristian, cook in his Ooni Pro 16 after a big snowstorm in Scotland.
- Anticipate a longer pre-heat. Wind and chill might lengthen the amount of time it takes to get your oven up to top temperature. Don’t get impatient and overload the fuel basket or pellet hopper. Just have faith and approach setup and lighting the same way you would in the warmer seasons… and be prepared to wait an extra minute or two
- Be bold. We love to take our Ooni ovens to places we never thought we’d be able to cook pizza. Need some inspiration? Kristian and his mother cooked pizza while ice swimming in Finland! (We can’t think of many more ambitious places to enjoy a slice.)
If you do take your oven on a wintery adventure, don’t forget to share it with us on social media by tagging us @oonihq or using #ooni.
Pretty simple, right? So throw on a hat and a warm coat and get outside! There’s nothing more dramatic or delicious than a steaming hot pizza emerging from your Ooni on a cold winter’s day.